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Winter has settled in. Here are some   WINTER BIRD FEEDING TIPS
February is National Bird Feeding Month, a time when the weather can be harsh for birds and natural foods are becoming harder to find. But you can help the birds by putting up a bird feeder, and right now Wild Bird Habitat has a mid-winter sale on select wild bird feeders. Stop by during February and save money on a quality wild bird feeder at The Wild Bird Habitat Stores. Alamo Stores Plaza, 56th & Hwy 2 or North at 4900 Dudley Street and help the birds get through the winter. Visit NATIONAL BIRD FEEDING MONTH
The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is a citizen science project in ornithology. It is conducted annually in mid February. The event is supported by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, National Audubon, and Bird Studies Canada. During this four-day event birdwatchers all around the world are invited to count and report details of birds in the area in which they live. Data is submitted online via a web interface, and compiled for use in scientific research. The GBBC was the first citizen science project to collect bird sightings online and display results in near real-time. So just count the birds! This count is for all ages and levels of birding experience. IT’S FUN! IT’S EASY! IT’S FREE! Get started at BIRDCOUNT.ORG
The Wild Bird Habitat Stores are a family-owned independent backyard bird feeding retailer where we pride ourselves on offering quality proven products, information about birds and backyard bird feeding, and providing 5-star service to our customers in store or online. Since 1993 Wild Bird Habitat has been the recipient of numerous awards for supporting bird conservation, environmental education and outdoor birding recreation. ReviewsÂ
Featured Posts
February is National Bird Feeding Month
National Bird Feeding Month – Proclamation by the Honorable John Edward Porter of Illinois in the U.S. House of Representatives “Mr. Speaker,...
More About Squirrel Baffles
SQUIRREL BAFFLES – For the most part squirrels pretty much ignore a thistle bird feeder filled with just Nyjer thistle seed. But...
Seven Basic Backyard Bird Feeder Series
Dave of the Wild Bird Habitat Stores published a series about the 7 Basic Backyard Bird Feeders. These different types of bird...
About Wild Bird Feeds
When we shop for groceries we often find ourselves reading labels to see what ingredients are in our food. When we purchase...
Bird Feed and Bird Feeder Guide by Bird Species
Birds Of The Backyard Wild Bird Feed & Bird Feeder Guide Selecting the right food for the right feeder for the right...
About Nyjer Thistle Seed
Did you just purchase a bag of Nyjer thistle seed but you’re not attracting any finch to your thistle feeder? Caution must...
Free Bird ID APPS – For phones & tablets A powerful bird ID guide in your pocket
Download for FREE in APP Store
Merlin Bird ID APP – Includes bird ID wizard
Merlin Photo ID Bird APP – Take a picture to ID birds
Merlin Bird ID APP now has identify by sound – all you need to do is record the bird you hear on your phone or tablet for easy identification
Audubon Bird ID APP – A bird field guide on your phone with a bird ID wizard
BirdNet – Identify birds by their call
For a small annual fee, well woth it, download in APP store
Picture Bird – Take a photo to identify the bird or record it’s call for identification