Red-winged Blackbird

The Red-winged Blackbird may just be the most numerous native bird in North America. Their...

About Sandhill Cranes

ABOUT SANDHILL CARNES – publication and photos by Wild Bird Habitat The Sandhill Crane has...

Chipping Sparrow

The Chipping Sparrow is one of our more common native sparrows occurring across North America,...


For International Migratory Bird Month in Nebraska the Bobolink fits the bill as this bird...

American White Pelican

The American White Pelican is one of the largest birds of North America measuring a...

Sharp-Shinned Hawk

One of our winter visitors that arouse mixed emotions for those who feed birds is...

Common Redpoll

The Common Redpoll can stand more cold weather than any other songbird. This seems unusual...

Hairy Woodpecker

The Hairy Woodpecker is a medium sized powerful woodpecker that is often times mistaken for...

Cedar Waxwing

One of the most attractive birds you may see in your backyard is the nomadic...

Tufted Titmouse

The Tufted Titmouse is one of the most delightful birds that visits our feeders. It...

Song Sparrow

The Song Sparrow is a habitat generalist meaning they are found in a large variety...

White-breasted Nuthatch

The White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) is a small songbird of the nuthatch family which breeds...

Eastern Screech Owl

The Eastern Screech Owl is our smallest resident owl. It has such an eerie call...

Harris’ Sparrow

Fall and spring migration is a time of the year I always look forward to. This...

Snow Bunting

One thing is inevitable. Winter is on the way and it is going to snow....

Black-capped Chickadee

Chickadees! One of everybody’s favorite backyard birds. This tiny dynamo weighs only 1/3 of an...


Grey Catbird

If you live on the edge of an urbanized area next to natural open spaces...

Enjoying Blue Jays More

  Many folks have developed a less than appreciative view of Blue Jays. Often thought...

Brown Creeper

A common winter bird that often goes un-noticed is the Brown Creeper. That is due...

Great Horned Owl

When we think of top predators our thoughts are drawn to sharks, wolves, Mountain Lions,...

Sandhill Crane

The Sandhill Crane has one of the longest fossil histories of any existing bird, with...

American Crow

The American Crow Unless one has a passion for a specific bird species, many of...

White-Crowned Sparrow

Apart from the falling leaves and temperatures, I am further made aware that we are...

Chimney Swift

One of our most fascinating summer birds is the Chimney Swift. Commonly referred to as...

Baltimore Oriole

The male sings a loud flute like whistle that often gives away the bird’s location...

Northern Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal has to be considered the most sought after bird to attract to...

Common Birds


Wild Turkey

The wild turkey is our largest upland game bird. The wild variety is slimmer and...

Pine Siskin

A favorite winter bird that generally arrives in the Midwest and Great Plains states in...

Purple Finch

Purple Finch (Bird of the Month) – What a privilege it is to have Purple...

Eastern Bluebird

The Eastern Bluebird is one of three varieties of bluebirds that are native to North...

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

What a joy it is to attract the Rose-breasted Grosbeak to our feeders after they...

Mourning Dove

In the spring and early summer, we may have noticed a bird with a stiff...

Red-tailed Hawk

The Red Tail is our most common and widespread North American Hawk. It is also...

Dark-eyed Junco

The Dark-Eyed Junco is represented by five forms throughout the U S. At one time,...

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

This tiny jewel is the only one of the 16 species of Hummingbirds in the...

House Wren

The diminutive House Wrens are one our most entertaining and longed for birds of the...

House Finch

The House Finch, a now common bird that visits bird feeders throughout the Eastern, Midwestern,...

Downy Woodpecker

The Downy Woodpecker is a permanent resident bird. They are well established in older neighborhoods...

Red-breasted Nuthatch

If ever there were a bird that arrived in our backyards in preparation for the...

Belted Kingfisher

What an interesting and shy bird is the Kingfisher. You will probably hear them before...

Brown-headed Cowbird

 The Brown Headed Cowbird is not the sentimental favorite of many birders. It’s habit of...

Common Nighthawk

The Common Nighthawk, a Nightjar, is perhaps the most easily seen and recognized of the...

Purple Martin

The Purple Martin is our largest and one of the friendliest of the swallow family....

Brown Thrasher

The Brown Thrasher is one of three birds that are common throughout much of the...

American Kestrel

The American Kestrel, is our smallest and most common Falcon. It can be seen with...

About the Blue Jay

The Blue Jay and the Crow have the reputation of being the sentinels for danger...

Ring-necked Pheasant

The Ring-necked Pheasant, which is popular as a game bird in the Midwest and Great...

American Goldfinch

One of the most popular birds attracted to backyard bird feeders is the American Goldfinch....