Nebraska’s Lillian Rowe Sanctuary SANDHILL CRANE CAM From late February to the first week os April watch over half million Sandhill Cranes on the Platte River in Nebraska View crane cam early mornings and late afternoons Savanah GA GREAT HORNED OWL CAM Decorah, IA BALD EAGLE CAM Cornell Bird Lab FEEDER CAM
Platform Bird Feeders Continuing Wild Bird Habitat Store’s series on the “7 Basic Backyard Bird Feeders” to attract the largest variety of birds to your yard, our third bird feeder of the series is one of my favorites, the platform bird feeder. Platform bird feeders, also called tray feeders, are excellent for attracting a large variety of…
When I opened the Wild Bird Habitat Stores in 1993, there weren’t any commercially produced ground bird feeders on the market. At first, I just tossed wild bird feed on the ground for those birds that fed primarily on the ground. That included Mourning Doves, towhees, native sparrows, and juncos. Occasionally wood thrush and thrashers…
SEED TUBE BIRD FEEDERS The second bird feeder in Wild Bird Habitat Store’s “7 Basic Backyard Bird Feeders” series is the seed tube bird feeder. A seed tube bird feeder is just that – it is a tube with seed ports and perches where the birds sit to access the wild bird feed. This is probably…
Published by Dave at the Wild Bird Habitat Stores Have you ever gone out to purchase a bird feeder and right away you are met with a various selection of styles and designs? It can seem like a mystery as to which feeder might work best for attracting the birds you desire. But did you…
Become a citizen scientist on February 18 – 21, 2022 and count the birds during the 25th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count This FREE 4 day count is for all ages & all levels of birding experience. Its fun. Its easy. it’s for the birds! Official Great backyard Bird Count website It provides valuable…
Due to frigid temperatures, birds need to consume more food on a daily basis in winter. They have little body fat to store the energy they need to keep warm and move about. And when the temperatures plummet into the single digits and below they are often only 36 hours from starvation. A high fat diet…
Published by the Wild Bird Habitat Stores Swoosh! Out of the corner of my eye a blur of feathers catapults across my backyard powered by stiff, rapid wing beats. Blue Jays immediately sound the alarm. Their calls alert all the birds that haven’t yet taken flight or headed for cover as they bolt for safety….
Life on the Great Plains can be harsh even with climate controls that we enjoy in our homes to provide us relief from the weather extremes. Temperatures out here in middle America can soar over 110 degrees for days on end in the summer. And winter can bring weeks of near zero temperatures with the…
Central focusing binoculars have three moveable adjustment.
1. The first is called the interpupillary adjustment which means adjusting the barrels so the binoculars fit to the users particular eyespan. Begin by moving the eyepieces closer together or farther apart until they are comfortably in front of your eyes.
2. The second adjustment takes place at the center wheel, the focusing knob that moves both eyepieces at the same time. However since there is often a difference between the user’s two eyes a third adjustment is available to correct that difference.