Seven Basic Backyard Bird Feeders

Looking to add a new bird feeder to your backyard bird feeding program? Wild Bird Habitat has published the “7 BASIC BACKYARD BIRD FEEDERS” that will help you select your next wild bird feeder plus; recommended wild bird feed to use, and what birds prefer each type of feeder.

Hopper bird feeders attract both large and small birds. These bird feeders are constructed from cedar, metal, or post-consumer recycled plastic. They can be hung or post mounted. Use sunflower seeds, safflower seed, sunflower hearts, or a blended nut based combination. Good all around bird feeder.  View Wild Bird Habitat’s selection of  Hopper Bird Feeders
Excellent bird feeders for attracting small birds, and clinging birds. Made from acrylic, or durable poly-carbonate tubes with die-cast metal perches, caps, and bases. Check out the Droll     Yankee, Aspects, and Vari-craft seed tube feeders with EZ-Clean bottoms. Many come a manufacturers lifetime warranty. Use sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, sunflower hearts or chips, or a quality nut-based mix for best results. View Wild Bird Habitat’s selection of Seed Tube Bird Feeders.

Nyjer Thistle Seed Tube Feeders
Nyjer thistle seed bird feeders target members of the finch family. Goldfinch, HouseFinch, Purple Finch and Pine Siskin. Made from acrylic, or durable poly-carbonate tubes with die-cast metal perches, caps, and bases. Check out the Droll Yankee, Aspects, and Vari-craft seed tube feeders with EZ-Clean bottoms. Many have a manufacturers lifetime warranty. Use only fresh Nyjer thistle or a finch mix of 50% thistle seed and 50% fine sunflower chips. All bird seed is required by law to label contents. Avoid any wild bird feed with filler seeds rarely eaten by backyard birds. Read more about. View Wild Bird Habitat’s Nyjer Thistle Bird Feeders

Platform bird feeders are very versitle, attracting all birds both large and small. Made from a variety of material todays, platform bird feeders have screen bottoms to help keep seed dry during stormy weather. They may be hung or post mounted with some offering a roof for added protection from rain or snow. Great for any type of wild bird seed including fruits, meal worms, and peanuts in the shell. View Wild Bird Habitat’s Platform Bird Feeders
Ground bird feeders are one of the most least thought of, but one of the most popular for attracting ground feeding birds such as native sparrows, Juncos, Towhees, doves and others. Those opportunistic birds, like Cardinals and Blue Jays, enjoy them as well . Made from a variety of materials, they keep the seed off the ground to prevent spoiling, and have screen bottoms which helps keep the seed dry in rain and snow. Place them under an existing elevated bird feeder to catch uneaten seeds and shells. For ground feeding birds a mix of Proso millet and Safflower seed works best, and will be ignored by marauding squirrels. View Wild Bird Habitat’s selection of Ground Bird Feeders

Suet Bird Feeders
Suet is not just a winter time product. In fact, woodpeckers will consume 30% more suet between March and late August than all winter long. Many will even bring their young to the suet feeder during the summer months. Suet bird feeders target birds of the tree trunk zone, so locate your suet feeders near trees. Woodpeckers, nuthatches, Brown Creepers, even Carolina Wrens will visit a will stocked suet feeder. Make suet a regular part of your backyard bird feeding program. Read more about. View Wild Bird Habitat Store’s selection of Suet Bird Feeders and full line of Suet Products

  Peanuts are high in fat content, about 48% fat. Peanuts provide a source of high energy for birds such as woodpeckers, nuthatches, Chickadees, and Carolina Wrens when offered in a shelled peanut bird feeder. These   feeders are very active year round from the cold weather months, through the nesting season. Wild Bird habitat not only offers a wide variety of Peanut Feeders, but high quality Raw Shelled Peanuts as well. This is a       feeder you’ll enjoy and I have no doubt that one peanut feeder won’t be enough.

 For information on creating a successful year round backyard bird feeding program read Wild Bird Habitat Store’s article
“Bird Feeding 101” 

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